
Mastering the Matchup: A Comprehensive Guide to Defeating Illaoi as Briar

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how to fight Illaoi as Briar

Mastering the Matchup: A Comprehensive Guide to Defeating Illaoi as Briar

Conquering Illaoi as Briar: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding how to fight Illaoi as Briar is crucial for success in the League of Legends matchup. Through extensive analysis and research, we present this ultimate guide to empower you with the knowledge and strategies to dominate this encounter.

Key Differences:

Illaoi Briar
Health High Low
Damage Type Physical Magic
Crowd Control High Low

Main Article:

Mastering the Illaoi vs. Briar Matchup

To excel as Briar against Illaoi in League of Legends, it’s crucial to understand the key aspects of this encounter:

  • Positioning: Avoid her E (Test of Spirit) and stay out of her ultimate (Leap of Faith) range.
  • Itemization: Prioritize items like Mercury’s Treads and Spirit Visage to counter her crowd control and damage.
  • Wave Management: Freeze the wave near your tower to limit Illaoi’s tentacle spawns and harass potential.
  • Trading: Engage in short trades, using Briar’s Q (Entangling Roots) to interrupt Illaoi’s abilities.
  • Teamfights: Focus on peeling for your carries and disrupting Illaoi’s ultimate with your E (Vine Lash).

By mastering these aspects, you’ll gain a significant edge in the Illaoi vs. Briar matchup. Remember to adapt your strategies based on the game’s context and your team’s composition. Effective execution of these tactics will lead to victorious encounters against Illaoi.


In the matchup between Illaoi and Briar, positioning is paramount. Illaoi’s E (Test of Spirit) is a skill shot that can pull Briar’s soul, dealing damage and creating a spirit that slams down, damaging and slowing her. Her ultimate, Leap of Faith, allows her to jump to a target and slam down, damaging and knocking up nearby enemies. To counter these abilities, Briar must maintain proper positioning.

  • Keep Distance: Staying out of Illaoi’s E range is crucial. This means avoiding being in a straight line with her and her tentacles. By maintaining distance, Briar can minimize the chances of getting hit by Test of Spirit.
  • Sidestep Leap of Faith: When Illaoi uses Leap of Faith, Briar should sidestep to avoid getting hit by the slam. This requires quick reflexes and good awareness of Illaoi’s position.
  • Utilize Terrain: The terrain can be used to Briar’s advantage. By positioning herself behind obstacles or in narrow passages, she can make it harder for Illaoi to land her abilities.
  • Coordinate with Team: Communication with teammates is essential. If Illaoi focuses on Briar, her team can collapse on Illaoi and force her to retreat.

By understanding the importance of positioning and implementing these strategies, Briar players can significantly improve their chances of success against Illaoi.


Itemization plays a crucial role in enhancing Briar’s effectiveness against Illaoi’s crowd control and damage output.

  • Mercury’s Treads: This item provides tenacity, which reduces the duration of Illaoi’s crowd control abilities, such as her E (Test of Spirit) and ultimate (Leap of Faith). The bonus movement speed also helps Briar dodge Illaoi’s skill shots and reposition more effectively.
  • Spirit Visage: This item increases Briar’s magic resistance and provides health regeneration, which helps her sustain against Illaoi’s physical damage. The passive ability amplifies healing and shielding effects, making Briar more resilient in extended fights.

By prioritizing these items, Briar can significantly mitigate Illaoi’s crowd control and damage, allowing her to engage in longer trades and team fights more effectively. Proper itemization is essential for Briar players seeking victory in this matchup.

Wave Management

Wave management is a crucial aspect of the matchup between Briar and Illaoi. By freezing the wave near her tower, Briar can significantly reduce Illaoi’s ability to generate pressure and harass her.

  • Tentacle Control: Illaoi’s tentacles spawn from minions that die near her. By freezing the wave, Briar limits the number of minions that Illaoi can kill, reducing her tentacle presence and her ability to zone Briar.
  • Harass Mitigation: Illaoi’s primary harass tool is her E (Test of Spirit), which she can use to pull Briar’s soul and slam it down, dealing damage and slowing her. By keeping the wave frozen, Briar can stay out of Illaoi’s E range, minimizing her harass potential.
  • Safe Farming: Freezing the wave allows Briar to farm safely under her tower, denying Illaoi the opportunity to engage on her and force trades.
  • Gank Setup: A frozen wave can also set up ganks from Briar’s jungler. By keeping Illaoi pushed up to her tower, Briar creates an opportunity for her jungler to gank and secure a kill.

By effectively managing the wave and freezing it near her tower, Briar can neutralize Illaoi’s early game strengths and create a more favorable laning phase for herself.


In the matchup between Briar and Illaoi, trading effectively is crucial. Illaoi’s abilities are powerful, but they have long cooldowns. Briar can capitalize on this weakness by engaging in short trades, using her Q (Entangling Roots) to interrupt Illaoi’s abilities and gain an advantage.

Briar’s Q is a skill shot that roots the first enemy hit. This ability is excellent for interrupting Illaoi’s E (Test of Spirit) and ultimate (Leap of Faith). By timing her Q correctly, Briar can prevent Illaoi from landing these crucial abilities, significantly reducing her damage output and crowd control potential.

Short trades are essential because Briar is a squishy champion. Prolonged trades favor Illaoi, as she can use her tentacles to deal sustained damage and heal herself. By engaging in short trades, Briar can avoid taking excessive damage and maximize her chances of winning the trade.

Mastering the art of trading is essential for Briar players seeking success against Illaoi. By understanding the importance of short trades and utilizing her Q to interrupt Illaoi’s abilities, Briar players can gain a significant edge in the laning phase and secure victory.


In teamfights, Briar’s role is crucial in protecting her carries and disrupting Illaoi’s ultimate ability. Illaoi’s ultimate, Leap of Faith, is a devastating ability that can knock up and damage multiple enemies, turning the tide of a teamfight. Briar’s E, Vine Lash, is a powerful tool to counter this ultimate and mitigate its impact.

By using Vine Lash on Illaoi before she can cast her ultimate, Briar can pull her towards her team, interrupting the ability and preventing her from reaching the backline. This allows Briar’s team to focus on other threats or engage on Illaoi without fear of being knocked up. Additionally, Vine Lash can be used to peel for Briar’s carries, knocking away enemy champions who are targeting them.

Effective use of Vine Lash in teamfights is essential for Briar players to maximize their impact and help their team secure victory. By disrupting Illaoi’s ultimate and protecting her carries, Briar can significantly contribute to her team’s success.

Tips for Conquering Illaoi as Briar

Mastering the intricacies of the Illaoi vs. Briar matchup requires a combination of strategy and execution. Here are some crucial tips to enhance your gameplay and secure victory:

Prioritize Positioning

Maintaining proper positioning is paramount in this matchup. Avoid standing in a straight line with Illaoi and her tentacles to minimize the risk of getting hit by her E (Test of Spirit). Additionally, be cautious of her ultimate (Leap of Faith) and sidestep to avoid its knock-up effect.

Capitalize on Illaoi’s Cooldowns

Illaoi’s abilities have relatively long cooldowns. Capitalize on these windows of opportunity to engage in short trades. Use your Q (Entangling Roots) to interrupt her E (Test of Spirit) and ultimate (Leap of Faith), preventing her from landing these crucial abilities and reducing her effectiveness.

Itemize Wisely

Itemization plays a significant role in mitigating Illaoi’s strengths. Consider prioritizing items like Mercury’s Treads to reduce the duration of her crowd control and Spirit Visage to enhance your magic resistance and sustain. These items will bolster your defenses and allow you to withstand Illaoi’s onslaught.


In conclusion, conquering Illaoi as Briar requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses positioning, cooldown exploitation, itemization, and teamfight strategy. By mastering these elements, players can effectively counter Illaoi’s strengths and secure victory in this challenging matchup.

Remember, consistent practice, adaptability, and a deep understanding of both champions’ mechanics are essential for success. By embracing these principles, players can refine their skills and emerge victorious from the depths of the battle against Illaoi.

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